K'nafayim, Inc. was founded as a response to the increasingly challenging social and cultural environment in which our families are trying to survive and thrive. A generational shift has led to significant differences in the way we parent today; awareness of child sexual abuse and the need to guard against it has risen; the problems in the shidduch world are ongoing; the sanctity of marriage is assailed from all sides. This is not to paint a bleak picture of our future, but rather to shore up our conviction of the importance of our work.
K'nafayim aims to provide access to affordable education and counseling for families. Preventing domestic violence and child sexual abuse is far better than treating them. Guiding our children along the dating process is much preferred to addressing aging singles and young divorced couples. Helping parents learn to navigate the childrearing process is better than
picking up the pieces of a family in turmoil later on.
Unfortunately, classes can be expensive and health insurance
doesn't pay for them. Nor will it pay for marriage or family therapy
unless one of the parties involved is diagnosed with a mental or
medical illness. K'nafayim is working to develop a funding base to
provide these services at a cost everyone can afford.
K'nafayim, Inc. provides services to people in need, without regard to religion, level of observance, race, color, class, ethnicity, or national origin.


Rabbi Raffi Bilek, LCSW-C, is the founder and director of K'nafayim, Inc. as well as the Baltimore Therapy Center, LLC, where he currently provides counseling to individuals, couples and families. He is also the Director of the Montgomery County Abuser Intervention Program for domestic violence offenders, and he provides counseling to Jewish families worldwide via FrumCounselor.com.
Before coming to Baltimore Rabbi Bilek was the outreach coordinator for Project S.A.R.A.H., New Jersey's resource for Jewish victims of domestic violence and sexual abuse. Prior to that he received his MSW from Yeshiva University and smicha from R' Noach Weinberg, ZT"L and (yibadel l'chaim) R' Zalman Nechemiah Goldberg, shlit"a,

Irvin Naiman is a Certified Public Accountant and serves as the treasurer for K'nafayim as well as an advisor on many issues. He has extensive experience with local non-profits and offers informal counsel to the people he works with in the various capacities in which he serves.

Chana Bilek is a master's level clinician with a range of experience in counseling and non-profit work. She provides administrative support and clinical input regarding the various facets of K'nafayim's work.

Our name and logo reflect the dual connotations of wings: wings are what birds and angels use to fly, to rise up even in the face of the forces that pull downward. Wings also signify protection and safety. K'nafayim aims to help protect families from the dangers and pitfalls they face, and harness their strengths to rise up and reach greatness.